Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Unexpected Beauty

I was washing my drywall tools in the far corner of a client's back yard and saw the bush with these one inch round yellow berries split open exposing their brilliant ruby seeds. Such a small occurrence in the grand scheme of all creation, so easily missed. In a couple days the seeds are fallen and rotting black, the berries split and brown. Just goes to show that if we don't pay attention we'll often miss the best stuff God has to offer. (click on the image to enlarge it... I know...you probably already knew that, but I just learned that trick a few days ago.)


existentialist said...

Thanks S-p. You have inspired me to start posting my photographs again. I kind of was depressed there for a little while, but I do have lots of photographs on my digital camera to share with the world.

Anonymous said...

And if you look very carefully you'll see a "wish" stuck to the red seeds. Well, when I was a child we called them "wishes." All it really is, is a dandilion seed. But quick, S-P! Catch it and make a wish! Blow it to the wind and let the wish be carried upward to the sky, like incense carries our prayers to God!

One can NEVER be too old to make a wish!

Thank you for "seeing" the beauty!

Anonymous said...

I love this one. The colors capture eye. I would agree that it is unexpected beauty.

Steve Robinson said...

hmmm...one inch pomegranates? How many to make a fifth of grenadine? Wow...and to all the other folks:
Thanks for the comments. I LOVE photography, I'm glad it is inspiring to you all. I have more coming...

Anonymous said...

you have God blessed eyes.

Mimi said...

Are they really pomegranates? Wow!

Great photo!